From: Light Storm ANGEL OF HOPE part of the Tonya Series (this comes after A Reunion, Nonetheless) by Light Storm Disclaimer: I don't own Jessica, but I do own Tonya. Archivers: If you don't ask, you will be forever punished. *grin* Categories: A, F, V Date: June 5, 1999 Angel Of Hope Jessica Bannon sighed to herself. It had been only a few days since her trip to Bangalore, but already she was missing her family. All the years she had been gone, she never realized just how important they were to her. She rolled over in bed. Thoughts swirled in her mind. Nothing but memories, lost feelings, broken and unreasonable promises of a life she once lived. And, she now admitted, yearned for. Her current life was filled with nothing but work, dead ends, and seemingly hopeless dreams. For years, the ongoing search for a cure for the HIV and AIDS viruses had turned up nothing except heartache and more deaths. Each failure brought forth more determination. But determination didn't seem to do any good. How much pain can a world endure? That question had become a reoccurring debate deep in her mind. But it led only to more questions. Is this search a lost cause? Are we looking in the wrong directions? Are we doing any good? Am I doing any good? Jessica rolled back over and thumped her pillow in frustration. Another sleepless night in Chicago; the usual way to conclude a non-productive day. At least in Jessica's mind. How much disappointment can one person handle? That question, and others like it, had been voiced by friends, newpapers, magazines, co-workers and employees, yet Jessica never stopped to answer. Her main goal in life, if not her only goal, was to save a world dying of a virus. To save an HIV-ridden world. Most knew a few of the details of Jessica's past. Few knew even more. But no one, other than an even smaller select few, knew what exactly powered her, kept the search on-track and continuous. A dream, or a nightmare from a different point of view, built on memories, feelings, and events. A dream engulfed and fed by a time long ago when reality was nothing but a life living hour by hour trying to seek answers to the maze of questions. A wrong turn revealed either a new question or an old question, once buried, that desired nothing but an answer. A correct turn just buried you deeper in the maze without much hope of an exit, or an answer. Walls were crowded with images of a lost family, a dead daughter, a busy mother, and an unsolved problem. Then the dream would morph into a world with a new and successful cure and a light of hope. Hope of a solution to any and every deadly problem plaguing mankind. Problems ranging from war and pollution to hunger and poverty. Jessica smiled, watching through her open window as the moonlight pierced the clouds. A beam of light burst into her room, on her bed, and engulfed her face. A warm feeling encircled her body. She reach up to touch her face, feeling Tonya's presence in her room. Jessica could hear her quiet laughter, like small birds chirping in the spring. Jessica laughed softly as a few tears slipped unnoticed down her face. She could see her daughter in her mind, crawling towards the window, her wings fluttering happily as they lifted her off the ground and followed the moonbeam up to the heavens. Peace washed over Jessica and her heart felt warm with the realization that her daughter, Tonya Angel Bannon, was with the loving God, watching over her mother. As the clouds began to drift together, Jessica rushed out of bed to the window. But before the light was completely gone, she whispered, "I won't give up, my sweet daughter. I'll do it for you. I love you, Angel!" -- End. Comments, flames, money, a new car? Great! Send them to me! ESPECIALLY ENCOURAGEMENT!! *grin* I gotta work on this series! © 1999 Light Storm BACK TO FANFIC PAGE === ICQ- 3728045 ** AIM: ukycat99 ** #2 Race-groupie, Keeper of Race2, Lover of Insanity, UK Wildcat Fan, Sailor Jupiter fan, Thunderstorm Chaser, devoted fan of ReBoot and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free address at ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ONElist members are using Shared Files in great ways! Are you? If not, see our homepage for details.