Have any QUESTions? Feel
free to contact us at... [email protected]
You are the
Remember these important dates: 1. July 1 - July 4 - time for authors to make corrections to their listing on their fic listings on the webpage 2. July 5 - July 18 - voting period 3. August 1, 1999 - tentative announcement date of voting results. Authors , please check the list for necessary corrections as soon as possible. Also, please review the voting procedures stated below. There are also category changes to be noted as applicable beginning the 3rd Quarter, July 1-September 31, 1999. Note that the categories affected in the earlier quarters will be adjusted accordingly for the Annual Awards. But, as of the Quarterly Awards, they will maintain their standing. In case you are wondering what the 1999 JQML Wildeys is all about, please take a few moments to read the information listed below.
What is a Wildey? Fanfic Criteria Fanfic Submission Format Fanfic Categories/Multiple Categories Voting Criterion/Procedure The Fan Fiction Awards Committee Sign Our Guestbook View Our Guestbook |
Fan fiction have always been the manifestation of how much an impact a show has made on the general population. These stories written by fans for fans out of pure love for the show, not only strengthens the foundation of a fan base, but also brings out and develops aspiring young writers' creative imagination in "continuing" the show. The Questors JQML Fanfiction Awards strives to recognize outstanding fanfics and their authors in the Questors JQML. In turn, may it be instrumental in challenging fanfic writers into developing and improving the quality of JQ fanfics, as well as continue to deepen the love for the show. The Fanfic Awards Committee has decided to nickname the Questors JQML Awards as "The Wildey". In honour of Comics illustrator, writer, and creator of the Jonny Quest Series, Doug Wildey. The Wildey will not reward the winners with prizes that have monetary value. Instead, the winners will receive fame, bragging rights, and a nifty little icon to be posted in webpages. What else can you ask for? There are 3 very important elements to note in posting your fics. If one of these requirements are missing from your fic, it will not be included in the fic list. These will be further elaborated in the FIC Criteria. 1. Name and e-mail address of the
If your fic does not contain these elements,
or at least in the prologue/first chapter of the story (for multiple parts)
contact the FFAC right away. You will have until the end of whenever quarter
you posted your fic to correct this, otherwise your fic will not be included
in the voting.
1). All fanfics WRITTEN and POSTED FOR THE FIRST TIME in the Questors JQML between January 1, 1999 to December 31, 1999 are automatically eligible for the 1999 Questors JQML Fanfiction awards. 2). Fics that were posted for the 2nd time are considered re-posts and are not eligible for the 1999 Questors JQML Awards. In the case of Re-posts, please write down the date of when the fic was posted FOR THE FIRST TIME in the JQML. Fics that do not have the date of when the fic was posted FOR THE FIRST TIME will be considered as reposts and will not be listed in the ficlist. 3). If you do not wish your fanfic to be included in the awards, please make a note of it in the beginning of your fic. If there is no note, the FFAC will assume that you are giving us permission to include your fic in the awards.
Please follow the following format to ensure the
correct listing of your fic. A good number of fics are missed because of
the missing [FIC] label on the subject heading.
January 1, 1999
A). Angst/Sad Stuff (A)With the incidence of Multiple Categories, as long as your fic falls under a category, it will be included for nomination in the categories applicable with the exception of Music Videos* (not to be confused with Music Fics). Because we are no longer listing fics according to their chapters, it is now the author's responsibility to provide the FFAC all the overall categories applicable to their fic in the case of multiple parts. Due to the policies of the Questors JQML, there will be no awards for lemons or graphically violent fics in the Questors JQML. *Music Videos are pieces of fiction that follows the flow of an actual music video wherein flashed of scenes depict the story within the song. Music Fics are pieces of fiction that incorporate parts or a whole song to enhance a piece of prose. Music Videos will be categorized ONLY as music videos due to its different genre from prose fics.
1. All voters must be subscribed to the Questors JQML ([email protected]) to be able to Therefore the ballots must contain the ff. important requirements. If they are missing, your ballot will not be counted in. a)
Your name/psuedoname used in the Questors JQML
2. Voting can be only done ONCE for EACH fic within EACH category. For the Quarterly awards, you are to vote for your TOP 3 favourites for EACH category. You may choose to vote only once, but you may NOT use up all 3 votes on 1 fic. For the Annual award, you are to vote for only 1 fic. 3. You may vote for your own fanfics (as long as you don't belong to the Awards Committee). 4. You may also choose to decline from voting in a category.